Why does my parrotlet do that? - Understanding body language and behaviour

Zwei Sperlingspapageien bei scheinbar kuriosem Verhalten: beide gähnen bzw. würgen und einer senkt den Flügel ab um sich zu kratzen.

We can all agree on one thing: Our feathered friends are cute as a button no matter what they're doing. Still, many keepers wonder what this or that behaviour actually means or how I recognize when my parrotlets are relaxed, scared or aggressive. And rightly so because as parrot keepers it is in our responsibility to correctly read our protégés' behaviour and emotions [...]

Why do parrotlets fight so much?

Ein streitendes Sperlings-papageienpaar

If you've had your parrotlets, especially pacific parrotlets, for a while, you will have noticed that they are fighting a lot. Why is that? The reason is, so to speak, the arsenal of weapons available. One study on different Trichoglossus lorikeets showed that species with larger beaks exhibit more complex aggressive displays (Serpell 1982). The researches interpreted [...]

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