Overview: Basic information before, during and after getting your first parrotlets
Before your birds move in What are arguments against parrotlets as pets? First, a word of warning. Parrots, including parrotlets, are very sensitive, intelligent animals. This makes them very demanding pets that are only suitable for few people. So please think very, very carefully about whether parrot(let)s are the right pets for you! […]
What are parrotlets?
Parrotlets are actually not a species of parrot but rather a whole group of species. Overall, according to latest research, nine species are part of the genus Forpus, that's the Latin name for parrotlets. You can find all scientific species profiles in the ecyclopedia. This article however focuses on keeping parrotlets as pets. Parrotlets as a whole Distribution All parrotlet species originally come from Middle and South America where they [...]